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Obsession: A Love on the Edge romance Page 5
Obsession: A Love on the Edge romance Read online
Page 5
“That’s not fair.” How could he make things right between them when she refused to accept him as is?
“You’re right.” She turned back to her batter. “That wasn’t fair.”
Why did they always skirt the issue? Why couldn’t they come out and say what they meant? Just like last night when she’d stood in his doorway. All he’d had to do was say the right thing, indicate in some way that he wanted to talk about it, but he couldn’t find the words. Or the courage. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“Tony’s stopping by this afternoon. I need to talk to him about what’s been going on and about the case.”
She added ingredients into the bowl, her back to him. “Remember your physical therapy appointment’s today.”
“I’ll be ready.” He swung around and headed for the shower. Once again he’d missed an opportunity.
That afternoon Alex met Blankenship and Upton at the front door. Between them, they carried a new door.
Tony whistled, a puff of steamy air escaping his lips. “Look at you, man. Using a cane already.”
They left the door on the porch and stepped in, stamping snow off their shoes and rubbing their hands together.
The cane had been his idea. The physical therapist had said he would be using the walker for at least three more weeks, but he’d be damned if he would lug that thing around another minute. He’d told Tess they’d approved the cane and insisted she stop and buy one on their way home. He figured the mental relief of the cane far outweighed the physical benefits of the walker.
Tess came in from the kitchen. Her eyes were red-rimmed, her nose pink, and again he wondered if she’d been crying.
His partner held his arms out and enveloped her in a bear hug. “How ya doin’, honey?”
She laughed and patted Tony on the back. Upton smiled at her, the crinkles around his bright blue eyes adding to his good looks. He and Tess had always gotten along and that never sat well with Alex. He trusted Tess completely, but he didn’t like the way Matthew Upton tended to ignore his own wife when another woman entered the room.
She turned to Alex. “I have to make some deliveries. Call me on my cell phone if you need anything.”
His gaze went to the window and the light snow falling outside. “Maybe I should go with you.” He didn’t like her out there all alone. Unprotected.
“I’ll be fine.” She sniffed. “Besides, you can’t ride in the van for that long. I’ll call Tony if I need something.”
Tony patted her on the shoulder. “Just call, I’ll come runnin’.”
Alex swallowed a rush of uncomfortable emotions. Of course she couldn’t rely on him. He couldn’t even drive, for Christ’s sake. And of course Tony would offer to help. The three of them had been friends for years and if Tony were in this situation, Alex would do the same. “Are you okay?” he asked her.
She sniffed again. “I think I’m getting a cold.”
“Maybe you should wait.”
“I’ll be fine. And I need to get these delivered.”
Upton and Blankenship helped her carry the pies and cakes out to the van while Alex sat on the couch feeling helpless and unnecessary. The two saw Tess off and came back into the living room, bringing the scent of the cold air with them.
“Heard you’ve been having some trouble,” Tony said.
Alex shifted his leg to ease the throbbing. “Some idiot running through my backyard last night and this—” he waved at the door, “—this morning.”
Upton leaned forward in the chair he’d plopped down in, all cop now that Tess had gone. “Who responded last night?”
“Guy named Reynolds. Wilkins showed up later.”
“Wilkins is an ass,” Tony said.
Alex shrugged but privately agreed. He’d never liked the man’s condescending attitude.
“You think this thing last night and this morning have to do with the person who shot you?” Upton asked.
“Yeah, I do.”
“You remember anything else?” Tony said.
Alex wanted nothing more than to stand up and pace. He settled for tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair and shook his head. “Not a damn thing. It’s like a word you can’t remember but you know the letter it starts with. The memory’s there, but I can’t get to it.”
Upton sat back and twisted his wedding ring around his finger. A sure sign he was thinking.
“Tell me about the investigation. What’s going on?” Alex asked.
“Nothing. With you not remembering, things have stalled.” Upton’s razor-sharp gaze pinned Alex. “Tell me about that night.”
They went through it again, from the moment Alex walked between the dark warehouses until Tony showed up at his side. The retelling didn’t get easier and neither did he remember more.
“He’s out there,” Alex said. “He knows where I am and Tess is caught in the middle.”
“We could move her out,” Tony suggested. “No one but us would need to know where she went.”
Alex had considered it, but didn’t like the idea of being separated from her. “She has a business to run and I’d rather she was near me, where I can keep an eye on her.”
“There’s no proof these incidents are connected,” Upton said.
Alex pushed at the arms of his chair to stand, but a sharp pain in his leg had him sinking down. “I don’t want to think there’s a person out there bent on destroying me. I don’t want to think I brought this to Tess’s front door. Literally. But I have no choice. Come on, Upton, this has to be more than coincidence.”
Upton shook his head. “I know it looks that way, but nothing concrete points to any connection. Think about it, Alex. Would a drug lord waste his time painting your door? Or running through your backyard?”
Alex clenched his jaw. His gut was telling him differently, but he couldn’t prove last night’s intruder or the person who painted his door was the same man who shot him, and Upton had a point. Why would the guy hang around and torment him?
There was a quick rap on the front door and all three turned to see Roger step through. “What happened?” he asked, looking at the spray-painted words.
“Graffiti artist,” Alex said. Why the hell was Roger here?
Roger sat on the hearth. “Word is you had some trouble last night. Anything I can do to help?”
You should have died, Juran. Alex shook his head. Damn the memories, they popped up at the oddest times. If only they were new memories and not the same ones.
Roger looked at the door. “That the problem I heard about? Kids spray-painting your door?”
At one time Alex had liked Roger. They’d worked in the same district on the same shift and Roger had been an okay guy. And Alex couldn’t totally hate him because it was at Roger’s wedding that he’d met Tess. However, lately Alex had noticed a swagger in Roger’s step, a condescending look to him. Over the years his opinion of Roger had slowly eroded into dislike. He’d hid it because the guy was his brother-in-law, but he still felt it when they were together. And obviously Upton and Tony were of the same mind because the easygoing camaraderie changed to a slight hum of tension.
“I don’t think it was kids,” Alex said.
“Then who do you think did that?” Roger asked.
“The same guy who shot me.”
Roger blinked. “I don’t know. Seems pretty juvenile for a guy who runs drugs.”
Alex partly agreed but he wouldn’t admit that to Roger. Besides, who else could it be?
Tony stood. “Come on, Upton, let’s get that new door in. Wanna help, Sheffield?”
After the door was installed and the house finally quiet, Alex swung his legs up onto the couch.
The snow was falling heavily, blanketing everything. Cars were cutting deep ruts in the street, and theirs was usually the last to be plowed.
The tick-tock of the clock counted the minutes as they struggled by. Othello, curled in a ball, snored by his post at the hearth. Alex reached
for the cordless and called Tess but got no answer. He stared through the window at the nearly whiteout conditions and a shiver of alarm tripped up his spine.
Tess pulled into the driveway, shut off the van’s engine and laid her head on the steering wheel. Her head hurt, her back ached, her feet were killing her and, to top it all off, she was coming down with the mother of all colds.
The sun had set, but her day wasn’t nearly finished and tomorrow she would have to start all over. The thought made her want to cry.
She coughed, wrapping her arm around her aching ribs. Damn it, she couldn’t afford to get sick now, not in the middle of the holiday season and with Alex to take care of. She managed to climb out of the van and trudge through the snow to the front door.
She’d have to shovel the drive before loading the van in the morning. Just another thing to add to her to-do list. Before Alex had been shot, she’d been thinking of hiring someone. Maybe a high school girl to help with odds and ends of her business. Now she wished she had.
“Where the hell have you been?” Alex stood in the open doorway, leaning heavily on the cane she knew damn right well the doctor hadn’t approved.
“Making deliveries, I told you that.”
“That was hours ago.”
Tess shut the new door carefully and walked into the kitchen with her coat still on. She pulled eggs and butter out of the refrigerator.
“You’re cooking again?”
“Baking. I bake. And it’s the Christmas season. People want Christmas cookies.”
“I thought we could talk.”
He wanted to talk now? When she had more orders to complete? When he hadn’t wanted to talk six months ago? She placed her hands on her hips, wincing at the sharp stab of pain in her lower back. “I have orders to fill, Alex. People rely on me. If you’re bored and need some entertainment, call Tony.”
He blinked and seemed taken aback. “You could have called and told me you were running late.”
“Look, you’re here to recuperate. You don’t own me. You don’t control me and you certainly don’t have the right to demand.”
He looked stunned before his expression closed down to his inscrutable cop face. “I never thought I owned you, Tess, and I’ve never tried to control you. I was worried, that’s all. But, you’re right. I don’t have any claim on you. You made sure of that.” He swung around and headed for the bedroom. “Finish your baking.”
Tess stood alone in her kitchen, listening to Alex slowly make his way to his bedroom. Well, she’d certainly screwed that up.
Chapter Eight
Tess knocked over the alarm clock in her attempt to shut it off. It hit the floor, rolled and went silent. Thank God. She rolled onto her back and groaned.
Her head felt stuffed full of cotton and she swore some evil elf was pulling her ribs apart with a crowbar every time she coughed.
She leaned over the side of the bed to peer at the clock and her head felt like it would fall off. She’d been feeling bad for a few days and had diligently taken her vitamin C in the hopes of staving off the cold that had been lurking. Apparently the vitamin C wasn’t working because this was the worst she’d felt.
Two more days until Christmas and the end of her busy season. All she had to do was make it through today and tomorrow. Thankfully, she’d taken Alex to physical therapy yesterday and he didn’t have another appointment until after Christmas.
Thoughts of cookies yet to be iced had her sitting up and closing her eyes when the room pitched and swayed.
“Two days and then you can rest,” she told herself, then sniffed and coughed, doubling over and holding her ribs. Holy cow, that hurt!
After a hot shower that did nothing to alleviate the pressure in her head, she shuffled into the kitchen to face the mess she’d left the night before. She’d learned the hard way not to wait until the last minute to clean up, but last night it’d been all she could do to crawl into bed after the last batch of cookies.
She flipped on the lights and paused. The counters gleamed, the sugar and flour had been neatly stowed away and the floor swept.
“You look like crap.”
She turned. The room spun in a different direction and she had to grab the doorframe to keep from falling over. Alex stood by the table, looking sexy in nothing but a baggy pair of sweatpants that barely clung to his hips, his hair sticking up, stubble on his jaw, his eyes still bleary from sleep. The bruise on his chest caused by the bullet slamming into his vest had faded to a mustard yellow.
He glanced at her white knuckles clutching the doorframe. “Go back to bed, Tess, before you fall down.”
“Good morning to you, too, Alex. Thanks for cleaning up the kitchen.”
“You may think I don’t pay attention, but I do. I saw how beat you were last night.”
She suppressed a sigh. No more fighting. That’s all she wanted, was for the two of them to stop sniping at each other for at least one day. “I’m fine. And thank you, I really mean it.”
He shot her a look that told her he didn’t believe it and lowered himself onto a kitchen chair, gripping the top of his cane with both hands as he sat. Othello padded in and stood at the back door, his ears cocked forward. “You work too much.”
She worked too hard? If she did, she’d learned it from him. Besides, what else did she have in her life but her business? Tess let Othello out.
“I heard you coughing all night. You need to see a doctor.”
“I didn’t mean to keep you awake.”
“You didn’t.” He massaged his knee and Tess wondered if he even knew he was doing it.
She looked pointedly at his hand. “You still have your pain medication.”
He put his hand back on the cane. “No. Just thinking.”
She turned to the cabinets and pulled out bowls. “About the killer?”
This was something she couldn’t help with even though she desperately wanted to. She knew it distressed him that he couldn’t remember the killer’s face and that he blamed himself for Jason’s death. He needed to solve this case, catch the killer and get him convicted. Then he’d be at peace. Of course that wouldn’t solve the tension between them.
She was beginning to wonder if anything would.
Two hours later, Alex watched Tess’s van back out of the driveway. He hadn’t been kidding when he said she looked like shit. Her coughing had kept him awake, along with a host of other crap he couldn’t stop thinking about.
He worried about her. Worried the killer would follow her and try to get to him through her. Worried she’d crash on the snowy roads. Hated that she had to work so hard and that they were living together but never saw each other and couldn’t hold a decent conversation without arguing.
How ironic that Tess had wanted more time with him and, now that he had the time, she didn’t want anything to do with him.
He made his way to the couch and sat down. Othello shoved his head into Alex’s lap and Alex stroked him. How many times had he come home late from work and found Tess asleep on this same couch? He’d always told her she didn’t need to wait up, but she’d insisted she wanted to make sure he’d made it home safe.
He looked out the window at the empty space where the van usually sat. He’d always tried to call and tell her when he’d be late, but a lot of times he’d been too busy. What had it been like for her to wait for him, not knowing where he was or what he was doing? And how sad was it that he just now thought of what his career had done to her?
She tried to tell you. All those times she asked you to go places with her, do things with her. And he’d always told her he had to work. Work came first and he’d never understood why she couldn’t understand.
What an idiot.
Outside, a car door slammed. Using his cane for leverage, he hauled himself up and walked to the window. Tony was trudging up the driveway, holding a bag.
Alex met him at the front door. “Man, it�
��s good to see you. I’m bored out of my mind.”
Tony laughed, wiped his boots on the rug and handed him the plastic drawstring bag. “The detectives wanted me to give you your clothes and stuff from the night of the shooting.”
“Can you stay for a while?” The words reminded Alex of all the times Tess had asked him that same question. It made him feel needy and at the same time sad.
“Can’t, AJ. Gotta get to work. Some other time.” And Tony’s answer had been the same one Alex had usually given Tess.
After Tony left, Alex made his way back to the couch.
Othello sniffed the bag and sat back on his haunches. “What do you say, O? Open it?”
The dog lifted a paw and placed it on Alex’s leg. “Yeah, that’s what I thought too. Maybe I’ll remember something, eh?”
He opened the bag and memories flashed like light bulbs on a camera. Blood all over his leg, pooling under him. The stars shining down on him. The wail of sirens. Jason’s dead eyes looking toward heaven. The look of horror in Tony’s eyes. The softly falling snow that seemed so out of place.
He didn’t think he’d ever forget the feeling of knowing he was dying. Of all the regrets that piled up. The biggest being the end of his marriage. He’d desperately wanted to tell Tess how much he missed her and loved her.
So why was it, when he’d been given a second chance, he had yet to say the words?
Because Big Ole Powerful Alexandre Juran, the man everyone asked to do the dangerous jobs, the man who feared nothing when it came to the law and getting his man, feared another rejection from Tess.
He plunged his hand into the bag and pulled out the first thing he touched. His shirt, smeared with blood, a bullet hole in the center. Thank God for Kevlar. Othello sniffed the shirt and whined, backing away from the odor. Alex balled up the garment, dropped it on the floor and pulled out his jeans. They, too, were soaked in blood and cut to shreds by the medical team.
He turned the bag over and gave it a good shake. His cell phone fell out, along with his watch and wedding ring. Even though the divorce had been only days away, he hadn’t taken the ring off. He picked it up and turned it around. Amazing that a simple circle of gold could represent so much love and so much despair.